Service / Intretinere
Service contracts are the perfect solution regardless of the number of equipment you manage. Due to the vast experience in the field of refrigeration and the very well trained team of technicians we can provide service and maintenance for your equipment even if they have not been installed by us.
-the degree of wear of the equipment is reduced, thus ensuring a longer service life;
-ensures the operation in optimal parameters reducing the additional electricity consumption;
-the degree of wear of the consumable (dehydrating filter, refrigerating oil, electrical contactors) is ascertained, thus preventing the deterioration of some important components of the system;
-the beneficiary is provided with transparent information about the condition of the equipment and the works performed so that their replacement is budgeted in advance.
Portofoliul larg de clienti aflati sub intretinere precum si experienta acumulata in acest domeniu ne permite efectuarea operatiunilor de service si intretinere cu profesionalism respectand cele mai inalte standarde de calitate.
Echipele de interventie sunt disponibile 24H/24H si intervin in cel mai scurt timp de la sesizarea unei avarii astfel incat echipamentele sa revina la parametri normali in cel mai scurt timp fara a periclita siguranta marfurilor depozitate.