Refrigeration Doors
Refrigerated doors are used in industrial applications and are sized for cold rooms depending on their destination, flow and access inside these spaces.
Thus, the refrigerated doors can be hinged, sliding, flip - flap or in the case of special conveyor type applications.
General characteristics:
- made by the polyurethane injection process
- insulation density 43 kg / m3
- both sides of the door top are made of plasticized steel admitted from a food point of view
- the frame profiles are made of anodized aluminum
- the handle is provided with a locking system with key and anti-panic button for opening from inside
- the door frame is made of rigid PVC
- the sealing can be on the frame or on the floor, and the installation can be done both on the panel and on the masonry
- in the standard version, the doors have the color RAL 9010
Usi frigorifice
Usile frigorifice se folosesc in aplicatiile industriale si se dimensioneaza pentru camerele frigorifice in functie de destinatia acestora , fluxul si accesul in interiorul acestor spatii.
Astfel usile frigorifice pot fi batante, culisante, flip – flap sau in cazul aplicatiilor speciale tip conveyor.
Caracteristici generale:
– realizate prin procedeul de injectare cu poliuretan
– densitatea izolatiei 43 kg/mc
– ambele fete ale blatului de usa sunt realizate din otel plastifiat admis din punct de vedere alimentar
– profilele de rama sunt realizate din aluminiu eloxat
– manerul este prevazut cu yala pentru inchidere cu cheie si buton anti-panica pentru deschidere si din interior
– tocul de usa este realizat din PVC rigid
– etansarea poate fi pe toc sau pe pardoseala, iar montajul se poate realiza atat pe panou cat si pe zidarie
– in varianta standard, usile au culoarea RAL 9010