Industrial Fans
Besides the realization of refrigeration installations, Cold Technic Group company has as field of activity the design and execution of ventilation and air conditioning installations using for this purpose different models of axial, centrifugal, box, roof fans, fire resistance fans and various corrosive environments. Depending on the industrial applications in which the centrifugal fans are used, they can have a plastic, stainless steel or galvanized sheet housing with air flows between 2,500 - 16,000 m3 / h and supply voltages from 230V / Hz to 380V / 50 Hz.
In the case of ventilation systems made in the commercial field, in - line or duct fans with air flows between 250 - 1,600 m3 / h and supply voltages of 230V / 50Hz are used.
Pe langa realizarea instalatiilor frigorifice , firma Cold Technic Group are ca domeniu de activitate proiectarea si executia instalatiilor de ventilare si climatizare folosind in acest scop diferite modele de ventilatoare axiale, centrifugale , box, de acoperis, ventilatoare cu rezistena la foc si diferite medii corozive. In functie de aplicatiile industriale in care se folosesc ventilatoarele centrifugale acestea pot avea carcasa din plastic , inox sau tabla galvanizata cu debite de aer cuprinse intre 2.500 – 16.000 mc/ h si tensiuni de alimentare de la 230V / Hz pana 380V /50 Hz.
In cazul sistemelor de ventilatie realizate in domeniul comercial se folosesc ventilatoare in – line sau de tubulatura cu debite de aer cuprinse 250 – 1.600 mc/h si tensiuni de alimentare de 230V/50Hz.